For Therapists

Coming together is a beginning.
Staying together is progress.
Working together is success.
-H. Ford
When helping our clients we are faced with the challenge of getting our clients to connect with their emotions in session.
As therapists we occasionally meet an impasse when helping our clients to mend their marriage.
One factor may be that the issues simply cannot be addressed in a mere 50 minutes once a week.
At times, by the time they finally get to the point of sharing, the clock has run out and the session is up.

Counseling is work, but it does not have to be lackluster. The dedicated team of professionals at Vacation Counseling stands ready to help your clients refresh and revitalize their marriage.
Vacation Counseling warmly accepts your clients. We treat them with the utmost care, attention, and respect.
Our team of professionals can stay in contact with you throughout the process or give a comprehensive update at the end of their stay. All while remaining fully HIPAA compliant.

Vacation Counseling Therapists are a team with extensive experience in a variety of evidence-based approaches. Each practitioner brings a unique perspective, a set of finely honed skills.
Every mental health professional has been trained to provide specific skills. Some are trained in the most recognized methods for couples, such as the Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused Therapy. Others are experienced in art therapy, or in faith-based interventions. Dr. Brown is a qualified sex therapist.
We will talk with each client to determine which combination of skills and approaches may work best for them. The clients will benefit from a team that is designed to best meet their needs and preferences.
You are welcome to read through the short introductions for each of our professionals.
All clinical notes will also be available to counselors who trust us with the care of their clients. As well as a partnership for aftercare services when needed. Our counselors are distance certified to ensure the best possible outcome for our couples.